Daniel Tuutau - Ukulele & South Sea Songs
Daniel Tuutau grew up in inner-city Los Angeles. He was part of the LAUSD magnet program, which focuses all teaching toward a common subject. In his case, a performing arts magnet program. First through eighth grade were spent in 32nd Street Magnet school (Band, Choir and Dance as part of Billy Burke's Tanza group), and he continued to Hollywood High School Performing Arts Magnet School (Drama, Choir and Musicals). A natural-born performer, Daniel continued on to the University of California, Santa Barbara’s Music program where he completed Bachelors and Masters degrees in Music, and is currently finishing up a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Music for Vocal Performance at University of Utah. Besides performing, Daniel teaches voice lessons, video records & edits events, graphic designs & edits, and he says he's "really handy with odd jobs".
Daniel first came to Mendocino Folklore Camp at age 14, and has continued to do so to present day with his own growing family. Daniel is a valued staff member of Mendocino Folklore Camp as our scholarship director, work exchange crew coordinator and designed our new web site. Guess he is rather handy at odd jobs! ;-} Daniel will be teaching some easy to follow Songs of the South Pacific for Ukulele and vocals. His class is open to everyone who'd like to come learn the songs. Men, women, small furry creatures from the forest.. all are welcome! For Daniel's Web Site -click HERE