Bill Cope - MFC Camp Co-Band Music Director / Beg./Int. Tambura (Bulgarian/Macedonian)
Bill is an amazing multi-instrumentalist (as seen in the pictures below!) and a gifted, experienced teacher who began playing Balkan music in 1975 and teaching at the E.E.F.C. Balkan Music & Dance Workshops in 1982. He's made many trips to the Balkans and studied with players, including Lyubomir Vladimirov, first chair in the Philip Kutev Ensemble. He has also performed with Vassil Bebelekov, Donka and Nikolay Kolevi, Yuri Yunakov, Mile Kolarov and Pece Atanasovski.
Current musical endeavors are the Cope Family Band, Zabava! with Dan Auvil, Rich Schultz and Brian Fox; Trio Zulum, with Vassil Bebelekov, Dan Auvil, and singers Maria Bebelekova and Kimberly, Lacey and Joelle Cope;The Mehanatones with Pat MacSwyney, Dan Auvil and Brian Fox (to accompany Dragi Spasovski on his California tour spring 2009); Zlatno Selo (on the right coast) with Alan and Miriam Zemel, Jeff Fine, Jerry Kisslinger, Marjorie Selden and Kristina Vaskys; and Music Director for the San Francisco Kolo Festival. As you can see, Bill's a hard working musician who loves Balkan music, playing it every chance he gets, and sharing his passion with others. Bill is another long standing member of our Folklore Camp teaching staff, band member and part of our beloved Folklore family. He is a master at teaching Beg./Int. Tambura, and many in the Balkan community have learned their first chords on this instrument from him. At Folklore camp this summer, Bill will be teaching a daily INT. TAMBURA (Macedonian & Bulgarian) class. All levels are welcome.. but building on the last few years worth of learning, this class in 2019 will be geared toward an intermediate level. If you want to take his class and do not have an instrument, please indicate on your form that you'd like to borrow one and we'll do what we can to make that happen. Also any 5 string instrument will work as well; he's had Mandolins and Ukuleles in this class as well. Write to Bill via his web site if you have any questions in regard to what instruments you have that might be acceptable. For Bill's Web Site -click HERE |